RAIDZAP FLEX FL. GREEN – bottle of 0.5 oz.

Sale price$28.00



RAIDZAP FLEX Fl. GREEN  We added some fluorecent look in this colorfull flex resin. Create flexible colorfull things on your fly tying. Creativity has no limits!. Create colorful flexible stripes, eyes on poppers, eyes on flies, strike points etc. The formular is like flex. Tack free surface in seconds. Need your flex color resin hard. Just add a bit of Raidzap thin clear resin on the color surface.! The Colors are bright Colors and needs a bit more time with a UV flashlight to cure than clear resin.

  • Cures with any real UV light.
  • Cures flex and shinny surface.
  • Thin tip.
  • 0.5 oz. ( 15 ml. )
  • Brush and syringe needle in the box.

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