The fishnet crab is about as sexy as it sounds and an incredibly effective saltwater fly. Ours has a flashy interior body and flexible rubber legs for lifelike movement. Dumbell eyes tied inside the body help get this fly on the bottom quickly and ensure it rides hook point up. We knew this crab had to be in our lineup when we threw a sample version of it at a tailing Redfish and someone… I won’t say who… landed the fly on it’s back spooking it. We thought the fish would be halfway to Mexico but after being spooked it turned around and ate the crab that had attacked it. The rest of that day and ever since this has been near the top of our redfish box and has even caught a Permit (would have caught more permit if I got to Permit fish as much as I want). Next time you’re headed to the salt for something that would eat a crab, grab some of these.
Tan for sandy bottom, Olive for muddy/dark bottoms.
Size 1, Ultra Sharp Saltwater hook