Disco Minnow

Color: Clear W/Pink Shade
Sale price$7.00


It’s a panic at the disco as the Disco Minnow draws in baitfish eaters to bump to saucy jams. Few flies can entice striped and white bass like this groovy streamer. The Disco Minnow is small, articulated, and weighs nothing (it casts well on a four-wight). It’s all flash, all the time. Sink tips are the best lines for this one, but it can be fished with a floating line in shallow water. The party doesn’t stop with true bass — the Disco Minnow catches the eye of big brown trout inviting them to join the dance party. Use the Disco Minnow if you to chase aggressive fish with a throwback feeling to the glory days of disco. Afro, mustache, and platform shoes not included.

Another 5wt friendly streamer. Floating line can be used, but sinking line is preferred to get it down.

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